Are you looking for ways to take your pickleball game to the next level? It’s no secret that pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in America, and for a good reason: it’s just plain fun!
But along with the fun, comes the challenge of constantly improving your skills. Whether you’re someone who’s just getting started with the game or someone who’s been playing it for years, you’ll find plenty of value in the following 10 pickleball drills that are designed to help you take your game to new heights.
If you want to improve your skills and take your game to the next level, you need to practice, practice, practice! In this blog post, we will discuss seven pickleball drills that will help you improve your game.
1. The “Wall” Drill
The “Wall” Drill is one of the best solo pickleball drills that players can use to enhance their skills. All you need is a wall, a ball, and your pickleball paddle. This drill is excellent for developing your forehand shots and backhand shots.
To perform the solo drill, stand a few feet away from the wall and alternate hitting backhand shots and forehand shots against the wall. Practice hitting the ball against the wall at different angles, speeds, and heights. By doing so, you will develop muscle memory and improve your hand-eye coordination, which are crucial skills in pickleball.
This will help you develop your technique and improve your shot accuracy. The Wall Drill is highly recommended for players of all skill levels who are looking to take their game to the next level.
1. The “Drop Shot” Drill
This drill helps you practice hitting a drop shot, which is a shot that lands just over the net and falls short, making it difficult for your opponent to return. To do this drill, stand on one side of the net and have your partner stand on the other side.
Your partner will hit the ball to you, and you will hit a drop shot back over the net. Your partner will then hit the ball back to you, and you will repeat the process. This drill helps you develop the touch and control needed to successfully execute a drop shot.
2. The “Volley and Transition” Drill
This drill helps you practice your volleys and your ability to transition from the net to the baseline. To do this drill, start at the net and have your partner stand at the baseline. Your partner will hit the ball to you, and you will volley it back.
Then, you will quickly transition to the baseline, and your partner will hit the ball back to you. You will then hit the ball back to your partner and return to the net. Repeat this process to improve your net game and your ability to transition from the net to the baseline.
3. The “Third Shot Drop” Drill
This drill helps you develop your third shot drop, which is a shot that lands softly in the kitchen (front) area of the court, forcing your opponent to hit an “up” shot. To do this drill, start at the baseline and have your partner stand at the kitchen line.
Your partner will hit the ball to you, and you will hit a third shot drop. Your partner will then hit the ball back to you, and you will repeat the process. To make this drill more challenging, start at the kitchen line and have your partner hit the ball to you from the baseline.
The third shot drops are critical shots in pickleball, and mastering it can give you a significant advantage over your opponents. Incorporating the third shot drop pickleball drill into your practice routine will not only help you develop confidence in executing the shot but also improve your ability to place the ball precisely in the kitchen area.
4. The “Ninja Drills” Drill
This drill improves your reflexes and reaction time. To do this drill, have your partner hit the ball to you from close range, then quickly move away from you.
Your goal is to hit the ball back to your partner before they can get away from you. This drill helps you improve your reaction time and your ability to anticipate your opponent’s next move.
5. Dinking Drill
Dinking is one of the most challenging and essential skills when it comes to playing pickleball. To improve your dinking skills, you can practice dinking drills with a partner or against a wall.
Keep your paddle low and angle your shots downwards to create a delicate tap toward your opponent. This will help you master the art of controlling the ball by taking away your opponent's attack.
6. Serve and Volley Drill
"The serve and volley" is one of the dominant strategies in pickleball. To perfect this move, start by serving the ball low and to the side of the court. As soon as you hit the serve, move quickly to the net where you will have the advantage to control the game. Keep practicing this drill and you’ll find that soon you’ll become a serve and volley specialist.
7. The Lob Drill
A well-executed lob can put you in complete control of the game. To execute this move correctly, first, hit the ball high in the air with an upward movement toward the backline of the court. This maneuver will force your opponents to move far back, giving you the opportunity to move forward and attack the net.
One way to practice the Lob Drill is, for one player to stand at the kitchen line and holds their pickleball paddle up in the air. Then the other player hits the ball high in the air toward the backline of the court. This makes it harder for their opponent to return it. Keep practicing this drill and you will get better at it!
9. Skinny Singles Drill
The Skinny Singles Drill is a fantastic little game you can incorporate into your pickleball drills to take your skills to the next level. Skinny singles is a unique game format in pickleball that uses only half the court.
This game is played with only one player on each side, making it a great way to develop your skills on the court. Playing one vs. one is a fantastic way to practice precision, control, and agility. The court is shrunk to half its original size, which will help you focus on placing your shots precisely to prevent your opponent from returning the ball.
To play skinny singles, serve directly across the net, and focus on placing your shots precisely to make it difficult for your opponent to return the ball. Incorporating skinny singles into your pickleball drills can help improve your accuracy and overall skill level on the court.
10. Transition Zone Drill
The transition zone, which is the area between the baseline and the kitchen line, is a crucial part of the pickleball court. It is where most of the action happens, and mastering this area can greatly improve your game.
The Transition Zone Drill is one of the best pickleball drills that focuses on this area, helping you develop better footwork, control, and shot placement. You can practice this drill by serving the ball across the net and trying to place it in different spots on the court.
By practicing this drill, you'll learn how to approach the net, volley effectively, and maintain your position in the transition zone. It helps you learn how to move around the court, hit the ball in different ways, and stay in the middle of the court. This skill will make you a more well-rounded player and allow you to dominate the court.
Improving your pickleball skills is an ongoing process that requires dedication, practice, and patience. With the above drills, you'll have a solid foundation to develop your skills, become more competitive, and ultimately, take your game to the next level.
Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more time you spend on the court, the better chance you have of becoming a skilled pickleball player. So, take advantage of these drills and get out there and play. Who knows, you might even become the next pickleball champion in your area.
Remember to practice these drills regularly and you'll start to see real improvements in your game. With the right drill program, you can take your pickleball skills to the next level. Good luck!
If you're looking for the best pickleball equipment, check out our top picks! We've done all the research for you, so you don't have to!
Be sure to check out our other pickleball and sports & fitness blog posts!