Pickleball is a game that is easy to learn but challenging to master. At its core, it is a game of strategy and skill, played with a paddle and a whiffle ball on a small court.
While there are many things to learn when it comes to mastering pickleball, one of the most important is understanding how to score the game.
In this blog post, we will take you through the basics of pickleball scoring and help you learn how to rule the court.
Here are the basic rules of pickleball scoring:
1. The game starts with a coin toss to determine which team serves first. The server then serves the ball diagonally to the opposing court.
2. The opposing team must allow the ball to bounce once before returning it. The serving team must also let the ball bounce once before returning it. The ball remains in play until one team fails to return it or the ball goes out of bounds.
3. Points are only awarded to the serving team. A team can only score a point if they win the rally.
4. The serving team continues serving until they lose a point. Then, the other team takes over as the serving team.
5. The first team to score 11 points and lead by a margin of two points wins the game.
6. If a game is tied at 10-10, the game will continue until one team wins by two points.
7. In a match, a player or team must win two games to win the match.
These basic rules of pickleball scoring may seem overwhelming at first, but with practice, you'll quickly understand how it works.

What do the Pickleball scoring numbers mean?
Understanding the pickleball scoring system is essential for players to keep track of the game. The scoring system in pickleball is straightforward; each time the serving team wins a rally, they score a point.
Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the server score is always called out first, followed by the receiver score, emphasizing the importance of winning rallies while serving and the need to break the opponent's serve. For example, if the serving team has six points and the receiving team has four points, the score is called out as "6-4."
What Are the 2 Numbers in a Pickleball Score?
When playing pickleball singles, the 2 numbers in a pickleball score represent the server's score and the receiver's score. The serving team's score is always said first, followed by the receiving team's score.
For example, a score of "8-6" would indicate that the serving team has 8 points, and the receiving team has 6 points. In pickleball, points are only awarded to the serving team, which highlights the importance of winning the serve.
Players must also understand the scoring system to track the progress of the game and determine who serves next. With a better understanding of the pickleball singles scoring system, players can strategize how to score and ultimately win the game.
What Are the 3 Numbers in a Pickleball Score?
In doubles scoring, the scoring system in pickleball is the same as in singles. Each time the serving team wins a rally, they gain a point, with the serving team's score mentioned first followed by the receiver's score. The server number refers to the serving team's player who is serving during that particular rally.
For example, if the current score is "9-7-2," the serving team has scored nine points, and the receiving team has scored seven. The third number tells that the server number is two. Keeping track of the server number is crucial because only the serving team can score points.
By understanding the pickleball scoring rules, players can more effectively strategize and aim for the win.

Importance of Serving in Pickleball?
As a beginner, it is crucial to understand the importance of serving in pickleball. The serving team has the advantage in the game as they have an opportunity to attack and control the point. However, if the serving team makes a mistake, they could lose their advantage.
Understanding the score in pickleball and the importance of winning a service turn is crucial for players to succeed. As mentioned earlier, only the serving team can score points, and they continue to serve until they lose a point. This makes the service turn critical, as it not only allows the serving team to score points but also takes control of the game.
However, if the serving team loses a point, not only do they lose their service turn, but they also give the opponent a chance to score. This can quickly change the score in pickleball and the course of the game. Therefore, serving accurately and strategically is essential for winning in pickleball.
When the game, the first server is determined by a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss gets to choose whether they want to serve first or receive first. The first server serves from the right side of the court, and they must serve diagonally to the opposite court. However, there is an exception to this rule.
After the first serve of the pickleball game, the service turn changes to the opposing team, as opposed to normal. After that, the serve turns to continue normally and the service turn only changes to the opposing team when both servers of the serving team have lost one service turn.
Additionally, it is important for players to call the score after every point, as this helps both teams keep track of the score and who should serve next. It is also worth noting that if there is any confusion about the score, players can approach the referee or ask their opponent to confirm the score.
In conclusion, understanding the basics of pickleball scoring is crucial to becoming an expert in this exciting sport. By following the basic rules outlined above, you'll be able to start playing and enjoying this game with ease.
Remember, in pickleball, practice makes perfect, and the more you play, the better you will become. Soon enough, pickleball scoring will become second nature. You'll find yourself feeling more confident and comfortable on the court as you get used to playing with others or just practicing alone.
With time and practice, you'll be able to master the intricacies of this sport so that when it comes down to crunch time in a pickleball match, you're fully prepared for success!
Pickleball is an amazing game that can bring hours of fun and entertainment - all while improving your physical fitness too. So grab some friends (or go solo), head out onto the pickleball court today, and start having some serious fun! So what are you waiting for? It's time to hit the court and start scoring!
If you're looking for the best pickleball equipment, check out our top picks! We've done all the research for you, so you don't have to!
Be sure to check out our other pickleball and sports & fitness blog posts!