Whether you're just getting started with bowling or you're an experienced bowler looking to improve your game, one of the most common questions is "What's a good score?".

It can be difficult to gauge what a good bowling score really is, as there's no single answer. You must consider factors such as your skill level and league type before settling on an average to strive for. Let’s break down what makes up a good score in bowling.

Skill Level

One of the most important factors in determining a good bowling score is your skill level. Generally speaking, if you’re new to bowling, anything over 100 points per game is considered a great start. If you have some experience under your belt and are looking to improve, then you should aim for 150 points per game at least.

For more advanced bowlers who are looking to get their average up, around 200-225 points per game is the sweet spot. This range will depend on how much practice you put in and how well you know the techniques of bowling.

The maximum score in bowling is 300, which is also known as a "perfect game". This requires each player to consecutively knock down all ten pins with just two balls per frame for 12 frames total – an impressive feat!

What is a Good Score for Bowling Beginners?

If you're just starting out as a beginner bowler, aim for an average score of around 100. For most casual bowlers, average scores range from 80 to 120. This will depend on several factors including your experience level, the bowling alley you are playing at, and how often you practice.

As a recreational bowler, anything over 120 is considered to be above average and would indicate that your bowling skills are improving. Taking lessons from a certified pro can help beginners improve their bowling scores significantly by teaching them correct form, positioning, and techniques to throw the bowling ball effectively.

What is a Good Score for Bowling Amateurs?

Good scores for bowling amateurs depend on the individual's ability and experience in bowling. For bowling amateurs, a good score is typically considered to be around 140-165. If a bowler scores 150 or more consistently, they are considered an average bowler.

This is about the good average bowling score for an amateur bowler – and it's usually achievable with practice and good technique. However, many amateurs strive to break 200 which is considered a good milestone for bowlers of all levels.

What is a Good Score for Bowling Professionals?

Professional bowlers typically aim for an average bowling score of 200 or higher. The top professional bowlers stay within the 220-260 range. It's not uncommon to see a professional bowler consistently throwing a perfect 300-game, which is 12 strikes in a row.

For comparison, the average recreational bowler may find it difficult to reach even 100. Professional bowlers have a much higher capacity for accuracy and skill than amateurs and thus their scores tend to reflect that.

Professional bowlers will have varying averages depending on their skill and ability—the higher the skills, the higher the average bowling scores.

League Type

The type of league can also play into what constitutes a good bowling score. For most league types, the goal is to reach a good bowling average. Amateur bowlers typically score between 100-180 while professional bowlers can easily reach scores over 200 every game.

If you’re playing in an organized league with other bowlers who have been playing for years, then it may take more than 225 points per game for you to stand out from the crowd and make it onto the leaderboards.

On the other hand, if you’re playing casual matches with friends just for fun then any score over 100 points will likely be impressive enough compared to those who don’t understand the intricacies of bowling technique or strategy yet.


The bottom line is that there's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to pinpointing what constitutes a good bowling score—it all depends on your skill level and league type.

That said, if your goal is simply to surpass beginner levels and reach intermediate status, then shooting for 150-200 points per game should put you in a great position overall!

In order to consistently hit those marks you'll need the right form, technique, and equipment—so don't forget the importance of the proper bowling balls and shoes!

Ultimately, if you are playing your best and having fun, then you've found your own sweet spot! So grab those balls and let's hit some strikes!

If you're looking for the best bowling equipment, check out our top picks! We've done all the research for you, so you don't have to!

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